Social Media Profiles Are Important When Looking For a Job

When applying for a job, be aware social media profiles will play a role in the recruitment process. Many employers and recruiters use social media as a tool to learn more about you beyond your CV.

We certainly use it at 2020 Recruitment.


Here are a few reasons to explain why it might matter when hiring:

  • Professional Image

Employers should check social media profiles to see how professional you are and how you conduct yourself online. How your social media account presents itself can make all the difference to how a prospective employer will perceive your image.

  • Skills and Qualifications

Social media profiles can provide additional evidence of your skills, qualifications, and expertise. For example, a profile on platforms like LinkedIn may showcase your work, projects you’ve worked on or any endorsements from colleagues.


  • Cultural Fit

Recruiters or hiring Managers might look at your social media to get a sense of your personality, hobbies and interests. This can help to see if you would be a good fit for their company culture.


  • Red Flags

Inappropriate content or controversial behaviour on social media could be considered a warning sign to employers. They might be concerned about issues related to professionalism, discrimination or other behaviours that could be conflicting with the company’s values or image.


  • Verification of Information

Employers can use social media to double check information provided in your CV or ask related questions during an interview. It can help support the consistency of your skills and work experiences.


  • Networking Opportunities

Social media can be advantageous as a valuable tool for networking and connecting with like minded professionals in your industry or an industry you would like to work in. A strong social network can reflect positively on you.


We cannot stress strongly enough that it’s so important for you as a job seeker to be mindful of your online presence and how you conduct yourself, and how your social media profile might be perceived by a potential employer. Ensuring your social media profile presents a positive and professional image can be beneficial.

We’re not saying don’t be yourself, you’re human. Just be mindful….once online stays online!!


For further information on how 2020 Recruitment can help you find a job or your next employee, please call us on 01592 805600 or email